
Fake Topics. Fake People. Real Funny

Friday, October 23, 2015

The Kra Life

Good day, friends of all shapes and sizes!

The show has been on hold for a while kra and krama attend to the pressures of every day life (aka school and sleeping). But we plan to reopen the grand show today, and for all days in 'merica that we might live.

Yeah, just kidding. But whatevs.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Announcement, Announcement

Hello Krama,

We, at Chinese R Us, are sorry to say our delivery cars have been hacked so that they drive off cliffs. We have lost many (tear), but we shall get your Pad Thai to you by flying monkey in 3 days time.

Thanks for the cooperation,

(P.S. Look at Kra running around with her tongue sinking out)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


My little Kra has done a great job welcoming all of our past listeners! Again, I welcome all of the "other brains" (we shall discuss this later) from checking us out! Peace to all the crews that want peace. And don't forget, only you can prevent forest fires.

From the ghetto wasteland of south Phillie (Just kidding, not there. But it may be a ghetto wasteland. Idk)


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Grand Opening!

Hello, hello! Thanks for joining us today and welcome to the Kra Show! Please make yourself comfortable, grab a snack, a drink, and a penguin because we have lots of kratastic entertainment for ya'll. The Kra Show is the #1 radio station in 47 countries, imcluding El Salvador, Sweden, Tennessee, Texas, and West Gennesee (Genny). It stars two absolutely kramazin' people: Kra (that's me!) and my mother Krama (who happens to be younger than me... I'm pretty sure she adopted me but I can't be certain). Every day we discuss pressing issues, host interviews regarding important subjects, talk about juicy gossip, and give you everything you are dying to hear about!

Here are some testimonials from our loyal listeners:

"This show is definitely better than Martin Van Buren! LOL!!"
Officer Curtin, 67, Long Island

"When I'm not in the goal, I'm listening to this show! Sometimes I even listen to it while I'm in the goal!"
Frog Position Goalie, 8, Handball Goal

"Stay alive."
Haymitch Abernathy, 52?, District 12

"One of my precedents is inspiring every American to listen to this show!"
George Washington, Deceased, Mount Vernon

Since we have recently become Tech-Savvy, we opened a blog!! We can't wait to share our daily show with our loyal listeners (and now readers!)

Remember, we didn't raise you to have bugs fall out of your hair!

P.S. A question for all our readers to think about: How do you feel about penguins being the subject of English essays? We'll be discussing this in tomorrow's post!! Tootaloo!